sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2017

Refrigeration Expansion Valve Theory

Refrigeration Expansion Valve Theory

Animated refrigeration system with explanation of components

Animated refrigeration system with explanation of components

Animated refrigeration system with explanation of components

Animated refrigeration system with explanation of components

3D animation of screw compressor working principle

Ремонт Carrier 30HXC , Carlyle 06NA Screw compressor

Genuine Carlyle ® Remanufactured Compressors – the Factory Difference

BITZER ECOSTAR condensing units installation made easy

Curso Senai Rio

Curso Senai Rio
Faça um curso SENAI e seja reconhecido no mercado de trabalho. Conheça os cursos, veja se você se encaixa no perfil e participe dos processos seletivos.